
Apr 29, 2012

Easy Peasy Pirate Ship for Imaginative Play

Never underestimate the incredible learning that goes on through Imaginative Play. This is a chance for children to practice various skills, rehearse and use different and varied language and vocabulary as well as using their mind for problem solving, making assumptions and trying new things. (Plus heaps more!)
And, the best thing about imaginative play is that you need very little, (sometimes, if any) materials at all.

Today after reading some books on our flavour of the month, Pirates (!), we created the simplest Pirate Ship ever that you could also make at home.

make a pirate ship at home, boat for kids, kids activity, imaginative play
You need a toy bucket/chest/container (hey, anything you can empty and fit a child in, they don't care!); a broom mast; a flag (we used a library bag) and supplies (We had pirate dress ups, a cardboard tube telescope and a skipping rope anchor(not pictured..this idea came after I'd put the camera away))

Imaginative play for children does not need to be fancy... remember, they are using their imagination too!

Handy Tips:

- Simplify this activity by "making" a "Pirate Ship" yourself and then letting your child role play

- Extend this activity by making the parts for the ship with your child first. Eg, Make and design a flag, make a telescope, search for something appropriate for an anchor, make a pirate hat etc.

- The language development is an important part in imaginative play like this. Talking with your child and introducing new language that is relevant to the role play will increase the learning. Talk about some Pirate sayings or words and what they mean,eg. "Pillage," "Ahoy, me hearties" "Shiver me timbers" etc

- Make your activity more relevant by first reading and sharing books and stories about Pirates

Debs :)

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