
Jun 27, 2012

Host a Play Dough Tea Party

Click here to read this book

This week the theme of the Memetales Readathon is Friendship. We read all of the free friendship themed books this week and then, inspired by one of the stories, "Lott's Tea Party" by Jane Marshall, we decided to host our own Tea Party.

This activity was fabulous for developing fine motor skills, encouraging creativity, discussing friendship, being exposed to Early Literacy and imaginative play.

activity for kids
The set up invitation to play.

kids activity
As "Lott's Tea Party" was a book of action words, I included a few appropriate action words.
We didn't put a major focus on this. We read them, discussed them a little and then just left them on the table to be seen while playing.

activity for kids
Busy 'making' and 'preparing' the food for the tea party. 

kids activity
I used 'make' as a basic word for Milly and 'prepare' to work on broadening vocabulary.

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 Done preparing for the Tea Party. Focus words "drink" and "eat"

activity for kids
Can't have a Tea Party without friends!
(I added this word to reflect the theme)

kids activity
More tea?

kids activity
How about a biscuit?

kids activity
Camel thought it was delicious!

This simple activity lasted for ages due to the different components and was a lot of fun.

Handy Tips:

Simplify this activity by focusing on the sensory and fine motor skills aspect of the play dough and the imaginative play of the tea party.

Extend this activity by putting a greater emphasis on the Early Literacy skills. Discuss action words and see if you can come up with a list together. Perhaps your child could try and write the words themselves or recognise the different letters in the words. 

Encourage creativity by letting your child use and explore different tools to make their tea party food. Look at the different textures and patterns that you can create.

- Use new language like, "prepare" This will help with their language development.

Talking and Reading together will help your child develop their language skills, not to mention the incredible bond you create with them.

- It's not too late to join the Memetales Readathon. It's free! Click here to join in the fun :)

Happy playing,
Debs :)

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