
Dec 19, 2012

Giving for Children. How to be a Christmas Angel

One of my many goals as a parent
is to raise children who are 
Kind, Compassionate and Giving.

I want my children to be 
contributing members of society
and for them to 
care about their fellow man.

Children learn in many different ways but obviously there is no better learning than through experience. When children experience the feelings and emotions of giving and gratitude, they learn. When they witness others around them helping and giving without selfish intentions, they learn

It's my job to ensure my children are given opportunities to not only witness giving and compassion but for them to experience it for themselves.

Whilst we need to be demonstrating these values all year round, The Holiday Season provides us with the perfect opportunity where children can learn more about giving in a context that they understand.

Idea for a Christmas Tradition with the kids

Bake and hand out cookies at a retirement home/assisted living/nursing care 

Last year we started a new Christmas Tradition in our family and plan to continue it every year. 

Make cookies with your child (We used this Easy Cookie Recipe for kids)

When your cookies are done. Place them in a basket, get dressed up and put on your best smile

Find a nursing home/assisted living/retirement home etc where they are happy for you to come and hand them out to the residents.
(I would recommend calling first to ensure this is fine with the centre)

Hand them out to the residents with a cheery smile and Merry Christmas :)


We handed these out at an Assisted Living Centre. As a number of the residents have mental health issues I was sure to discuss the possible reactions of the residents with my child before we got there. Whilst I knew most people would be extremely receptive (we've visited here before) I was also aware that it was possible some of the reactions may not be. (Which is true regardless of whether people have "mental health issues" or not)

I feel it's important for my children to understand that within our society there are a huge range of people that are all different and will all react differently to situations. Some by their own choices and within their own control and others perhaps not so.

We acknowledge our good fortune at being born into good homes and for being of good physical and mental health. We feel lucky and blessed but need to be aware that not everyone is so lucky.


I hope my children enjoy this time of Giving to others. That they will understand that a small amount of their time and efforts can make all the difference to someone.. and even if we just brightened their day for a moment that it's so worthwhile.

I am sharing this post as part of a 31 Days of Service inspired from the Mom It Forward ebook as Service with a SmileGo and see all the other wonderful ways that you and the kids could help out and get involved in the community.

How do you teach your children about Giving?

Peace and Joy to you all,
Debs :)

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