
Jun 20, 2013

Cardboard Comb Painting. Time To Create.

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I recently got my hands on a copy of "A Time to Create." The fabulous new hands-on, process art book for kids by Christie Burnett of I'm thrilled to be part of their International Blog Tour.

Looking through the book we found idea after idea of fun and achievable art explorations, laid out and explained in a way that made it accessible for all and very practical for parents. I think that one of the hardest things for parents when it comes to exploring art with their children, is coming up with the ideas of what and how to go about it. Time to Create takes the guess work out and leaves parents with the ideas and knowledge to confidently help their children explore a variety of experiences.

One such experience, "Exploring Cardboard Combs" took our interest as a great activity that both my toddler (20 months) and preschooler (aged 4) could experience together. Christie has kindly allowed us to share it here with you.

You'll need: child-friendly Paint, thick Cardboard, Scissors, Paper for printing on & a flat surface to work on (we used plain placemats)

As you can see, the kids had a great time recreating this experience. The language and discussions that accompanied our activity were invaluable. This is just one of the many fabulous ideas inside Time to Create to engage and captivate your child.

Time to Create: Hands On Explorations in Process Art for Young Children is now available in bookstores throughout the US and Canada and internationally through online booksellers, including The Book DepositoryAmazonFishpond and Barnes & Noble.
Want to know more about Time to Create? Keep an eye on the following blogs for upcoming stops along the international blog tour…

Happy creating,
Debs :)

{Disclosure: I was gifted a copy of the book Time To Create. I was under no obligation to post about it nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions in this post are, as always, my own.}

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