
May 11, 2012

FunBites! Product Review

As you can see by our 'food for kids' page, making ordinary food, FUN, is something we do a lot of at our place.  However, like most people, I don’t have a lot of spare time to spend creating child friendly masterpieces. I want it to be fun, but I also want it to be quick and easy!


So, when Aussie company, "Lunch boxes with Love" asked if we would like to trial and review their new FunBites range, we jumped at the chance!

It was an exciting day for us when the FunBites “Cube It!” and “Luv It!” arrived in the mail and my 3 year old wanted to give them a try straight away. She was particularly drawn to the Luv It! and I got excited by all the possibilities that started to come to mind with the Cube It!

Using them could not have been any easier. We took the middle part out, pressed the cutter over the bread, rocking it back and forth a few times to make sure it was all cut through and then inserted the middle part back in and *POP* out the shapes came. Too easy!
We’ve used sandwich cutters in the past that have small shapes in them and have always had to push a knife or something in to try and get the small shape out without wrecking it. This design made it super easy… just the way we like it J

I find that bread sizes vary greatly and if you’re using a large slice of bread (like I did here) you may wonder about the waste.

However, I found that I could simply cut out the shape close to one edge, remove the cutout and then use one side of the cutter to cut more shapes out of the remaining bread.

Taadaaa! Minimum waste and extra shapes. And, if you’re using smaller slices of bread, you won’t lose any of the shapes or have to cut any of the crust.
As you can see, the Cube It! and Luv It! make gorgeous little bite sized pieces just perfect for toddlers and young children. The fun, however, (as we soon discovered) does not stop there!

You can make cool patterns

You can make fun pictures

You can promote early literacy or numeracy skills with letters, numbers and counting

You can challenge their problem solving skills with a puzzle to take apart and make again

You can make fairy bread for play dates or parties even more fun

 You can make fancy shapes with cheese or meat slices for added fun

You can add contrasting shapes

And, as we discovered, you can practice your building and balancing skills as well!

Who knew lunch could be so fun?

The FunBites made a great addition to our “snackbox”. Here is a triple layer sandwich (3 slices of bread!) with cheese and beetroot dip.

I’m also looking forward to using the FunBites to help with cutting things like slices and chocolate brownies and for making pancakes and pikelets extra fun!

Lunch Boxes with Love are the Australian/ New Zealand exclusive distributor of the FunBites and they retail for $15.95 AUD plus postage. For something this easy, fun and versatile I think it’s worth it!  I also think they'd be great for gifts
Lunch Boxes with Love post worldwide.
If you wanted to order your own, pop on over to the Lunch Boxes with Love website and if you want to keep up to date with all their specials and spot sales, head on over to their facebook page and don’t forget to tell them that Learn with Play @ home, sent you J

I wonder what YOU would create with FunBites?

Debs J

If you have any products that you think would be appropriate for my target audience and would like me to review for you, you are welcome to contact me :)

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