
May 14, 2012

Hole Punch Art

This is a fun and easy activity that encourages creativity whilst also practicing fine motor skills, hand-eye co-ordination and other skills. It also makes a fabulous piece to display or use later.

Madeline is 3 years old. See the handy tips at the bottom for ideas on how to simplify or extend to suit your child's level of development.


easy art for kids, activity for kids, children's art, fine motor skills
You will need strips of coloured/patterned paper (double width so that half can be punched and half overlapped), a hole puncher, a piece of backing paper and a glue stick

Punch holes along one side of a paper strip

Glue a width of the paper strip on the backing paper

 Stick down a strip with the hole punched side at the edge of the backing paper

 Time for more hole punching and practicing coordination and fine motor skills

 Overlap each strip of paper so that the holes punched in the top strip show the colour of the last strip like this (I couldn't resist making one too as they looked so pretty)

 Continue overlapping the hole punched coloured paper strips until the entire backing paper is covered

Let your child choose the colours and order

 She was very happy with the end result

Madeline and My Hole Punch Art

Handy Tips

- To simplify this activity a standard 2-hole, hole puncher would be easier for littler hands. If this is also too hard, provide the child with pre-punched strips of paper and help them with the pasting and overlapping

- To extend this activity, your child could be responsible for cutting the strips themselves. Also encourage them to choose the colours and design. Could the strips be overlapped in a different way to create a different effect? Let them experiment and create

- Pride. Making things that look visually pleasing as the end result help your child feel proud about what they have created. Giving your activity a special purpose, (like a gift for a loved one) can also help instil some pride in their work.

- Use and explain new language and descriptive words like, "overlapping" This will help with their language development.

- Demonstrate and discuss particular skills, such as hole punching or overlapping, if your child is new to these techniques

- Use whatever hole punch you have at home, it doesn't need to be a single one like ours.

Debs :)
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