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A while ago we were contacted by the makers of the super creative construction kit for kids, Fort Magic. One look at their website and already I could see the huge potential for years of fun and learning so eagerly agreed to write a review and give away a set to one of our International readers. You can see what we had to say about Fort Magic here.
With our last giveaway being so popular, Fort Magic have generously offered another set for us to give away! So, have a little look at how we've been playing and learning with our Fort Magic set over the past 4 months and then enter the giveaway at the bottom to win your very own set!
Building a boat/following instructions
Your Fort Magic kit comes with a gorgeous colour manual that includes how-to instructions for a wide variety of designs. The designs range from simple structures to elaborate mansions and making these designs allows children to work on concentration, problem solving, spatial thinking, following directions, interpreting instructions, angles, length, colour, measurement, language, cooperation and more.
For us, the build is just as much fun as the after play
Often our more elaborate designs, like this boat, tend to stay up for quite some time. The children enjoy role play, imaginative adventures and just hanging out in their cubby houses. It's much more fun to watch tv, read with your uncle and have a nap inside a boat!
Free Building
The designs that you can create using Fort Magic are really spectacular. The range of lengths, curves and connectors that it comes with allow for an unlimited amount of creative designs. The manual that it comes with includes enough designs to really get your creative juices flowing and to show you some of the amazing possibilities.
As my children are still relatively young (2 and 5), following the instructions on their own is still quite challenging and will be something that they get more into as they get older. When we want to attempt one of the designs in the book, we tend to work on it together as a family which provides us with a good excuse to spend some quality family time building together. As for the rest of the time, the children just love to build freely. This is actually my favourite thing about Fort Magic and I love to see them building and creating using their own imagination, problem solving, mathematical concepts and creativity, combined with important skill building such as fine and gross motor, hand-eye coordination and critical thinking.
"It's like a Church or perhaps I could use it for a Zoo!"
Even at 2 years old, he loves free building with Fort Magic. The repetitive nature of physically manipulating the materials, making choices and the concentration required are fabulous for his cognitive development.
Children learn many mathematical concepts through physically building and experimenting with 3-dimensional structures.
Fort Magic has been very well received when we've had play dates at our place. You get a lot of joy out of seeing young children concentrating, discussing, planning, cooperating and learning to work creatively together.
I love the physical nature of Fort Magic. It is a toy that encourages my children to move!
Most parents will tell you that there is nothing as wonderful as watching siblings playing nicely together. Fort Magic brings my kids together and forces them to cooperate if they have certain outcomes that want to achieve.
There is a lot of peer-learning that takes place as well, as my daughter discusses and instructs her younger brother. For my young son, building with Fort Magic is also a great time for us to work on his oral language development as we discuss together what he is enjoying doing and being a part of.
Whilst the majority of our play and learning uses a lot of low cost items like loose parts play or recycled materials, there are occasionally items that I do believe are worth investing the money into. Fort Magic is definitely one of those items. We love ours!
To read more about the educational benefits of Fort Magic or to order your own set, see the website. You can also check out what other customers have had to say here.

Thanks to the generous people at Fort Magic, you have the chance to win your own complete set, valued at $199 USD, for your home, center or school! The competition is open to residents of US and Canada and includes shipping. Enter easily via the rafflecopter below and Good Luck!!
Please note: If you are commenting on the blog using the "anonymous" profile, please also include your name so we can match it to your rafflecopter entry. If you are trying to leave a comment from a phone and are having difficulties, please try again from a desktop.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Currently, Fort Magic is not available in Australia but it will be coming! Keep your eyes out for it's launch. Also, in exciting Fort Magic news, fabric covers will also soon be available for purchase separately!
Happy playing,
Debs :)
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